Computer Life 1995 December
Computer Life December 1995.iso
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INI File
759 lines
[*About Login.TAP*]
Version 1.00 11-Aug-95
This LOGIN.TAP file contains TAPCIS 6.0 standard login procedures for
supplemental networks. The currently supported networks are listed under
the [*Logins*] heading below, in the format <login>=Network Name. To use
one of these login procedures, enter the <login> name for the network you
are calling in the "Script" field of the Setup|Phone dialog. For example,
to use the standard login for "GNS DialPlus", enter DIALPLUS in the Script
(See the "*Model script*" heading at the end of this file for sample script
routines that can be clipped and customized for use with packet data
networks whose login procedures require user-specific NUI's and passwords.)
ALASKANET=AlaskaNet (a Tymnet variation)
CHILE=ChilePac, the Chile packet data network
CISHOST=CompuServe node using 'CIS' Host name
CISZA=CompuServe South Africa
CONNLATA=ConnNet LATA Network in Ct.
CTRLC=CompuServe node using ^C to reach User ID: prompt
DATEX-J=German Datex-J Network
DATEX-P=German Datex-P Network
DPC1200=Canadian DataPac (1200bps)
DPC=Canadian DataPac
FENICS=FENICS CompuPass for Japan
FENICS2=FENICS Road 2 for Japan
FRANCE=French Transpac
INFOCSI=CSC/Infonet CSI Locations
INFOEURO=CSC/Infonet Europe
INFONET=CSC/Infonet WorldWide
ISRAEL24=IsraKav 2400bps
ISRAEL96=IsraKav 9600 or 14400bps
KOREA=Korean POSDATA Service
MANUAL=manual login using keyboard
MERCURY=UK Mercury *Data* Network
NIFTY=FENICS using NIFTY Leased Line for Japan
PACIFIC=PacNet from Guam, American Samoa and Saipan
PACNET=PacNet (a Tymnet variation)
SCITOR=Scitor network
SEVA=SEVA network in Italy
SPRINT12=GTE SprintNet 1200bps
SPRINT24=GTE SprintNet
SPRINTALT=GTE SprintNet International/Alternate
SPRINTIN=GTE SprintNet International
TAIWAN=TTNServe (Taiwan)
Echo "Connecting to CompuServe using standard Login [" @LoginScr$ "]"
Goto @LoginScr$
Echo "TAPCIS Manual Login"
Echo "Use keyboard to connect to Host name: or User ID: prompt"
Echo "Press F7 when finished"
USend ""
Echo "TAPCIS Login to CompuServe Node using Ctrl+C"
Pause 2
USend/noline "^C"
Wait ":"
USend ""
Echo "TAPCIS Login to CompuServe Node using CIS Host Name:"
Pause 2
USend ""
Wait "Name:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS Login via GNS DialPlus"
1 = "RETURN:"
2 = "Connected to"
[DialPlus Wait]
if ( @waitMatch# = 2 ) goto "DialPlus Success"
Pause 1
Goto "DialPlus Wait"
[DialPlus Success]
Echo "TAPCIS login via ChilePac, the Chile PDN"
; Based on CHILE.SCR, by Jeff Gulliford
; GO PHONES for ~19 node numbers. 9600 is supported.
; GO RATES; Surcharges, for the cost reversed to your CIS account.
Pause 5
USend ""
Pause 1
USend ""
Wait "@"
Pause 1
Echo 'TAPCIS login via CompuServe South Africa'
; Based on CISZA.SCR, by Iain MacCallum
Pause 3
USend "X.28"
Wait "NUI?"
Pause 1
USend "901040oz3uac10634679"
Echo "TAPCIS login via the German DATEX-J Network"
; Based on DATEX-J.SCR, by Jeff Gulliford and Gerhard Silbermann
; The phone number is 01910 throughout Germany. Max speed is 2400.
Pause 3
USend "."
Wait "ung:"
Pause 1
USend "000255975978"
USend ""
Pause 1
USend ""
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via the German DATEX-P Network"
; Based on DATEX.SCR Version 5.41 07/26/92
Pause 1
USend "."
Wait "DATE"
Pause 1
USend "R 4569002330"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via FENICS CompuPass"
[Fenics Wait*]
Wait/5 '*'
if ( @waitmatch# ) goto "Fenics Prompt"
USend ""
Let attempt# = attempt# + 1
if ( attempt# < 6 ) goto "Fenics Wait*"
[Fenics Prompt]
Pause 2
USend "C CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via FENICS Road 2"
Pause 3
USend "@P"
Wait "*"
Pause 1
USend "C CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via the French Transpac service"
; Based on FRANCE.SCR by Francois Ghoche
; The phone number from anywhere in France is 36 06 24 24.
Wait "SPAC"
Pause 3
USend "19628030"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via IsraKav from Israel at 2400bps"
; Based on ISRAEL.SCR, by Les Easterman
; The phone number for the node is 131 (local call from anywhere in Israel).
; New address as of March 1995.
Pause 1
USend "@D"
Wait "="
Pause 1
USend "D1"
Wait "@"
Pause 1
USend "3300045217"
Echo "TAPCIS login via IsraKav from Israel at 9600 or 14400bps"
; Based on ISRAEL96.SCR, by Judah Warshaw
; See ISRAEL24.SCR for 2400bps via a single local phone number.
USend ""
Wait "*"
Wait ">"
Pause 1
Echo "TAPCIS login via the Korean POSDATA Service"
; Based on KOREA.SCR, by Roger White
USend ""
Pause 1
USend ""
Wait "@"
Pause 1
USend "CNS"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via Ct. LATANET"
Let char$ = "H"
Goto "Latanet Common"
Let char$ = "."
Goto "Latanet Common"
[Latanet Common]
Pause 1
USend/noline char$
Pause 1
USend/noline char$
Pause 1
USend/noline char$
Pause 1
USend ""
Wait "*"
Pause 1
USend ".CPS"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via the UK Mercury *Data* Network"
; Based on MERCURY.SCR, by John Hall
USend ""
Pause 1
USend ""
Wait "VICE"
Wait "*"
Pause 1
USend ",,UKCNS"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via FENICS NIFTY Leased Line"
Echo "(this is a limited service connection)"
Pause 2
USend ""
Wait "*"
Pause 1
USend "C CPS"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
Send/noline "C"
Pause 1
Send/noline "P"
Pause 1
Send/noline "S"
Pause 1
USend ""
Echo "TAPCIS login via PacNet from Guam, American Samoa and Saipan"
; Based on PACIFIC.SCR, by Jeff Gulliford
; The next line may have to be changed to U A^M
USend/noline "A"
Wait " in:"
Pause 1
USend "CNSG"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via the Scitor network"
; Based on SCITOR.SCR, by Jeff Gulliford
Pause 1
USend "."
Wait ":"
Pause 1
USend "NUI 19730001"
Wait ":"
Pause 1
USend "KHS9NE"
Wait ":"
Pause 1
USend "2111855"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via the SEVA network in Italy"
; Based on SEVA.SCR, by Jeff Gulliford
; GO PHONES for 40+ node numbers; NTW name SEV. 9600 is supported.
; GO RATES; Surcharges, for the charge reversed to your CIS account.
Pause 1
Usend ""
Pause 1
Usend ""
Wait "GIN:"
Pause 1
Usend "CSERVE-41"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
Usend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via TTNServe (Taiwan)"
; Based on TAIWAN.SCR, by Pepe Fields
Pause 3
USend ""
Wait "@"
Pause 1
USend "CNST"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS Login via AlaskaNet"
Let Host$ = "CNS"
Goto "Tymnet Common"
Echo "TAPCIS Login via PacNet"
Let Host$ = "CNSG"
USend/noline "A"
Goto "Tymnet Common"
Echo "TAPCIS Login via BT Tymnet"
; Some Tymnet nodes do not like MNP. You may need to
; disable it, especially for 1200/2400 bps nodes.
Let Host$ = "CPS"
Goto "Tymnet Common"
[Tymnet Common]
1 = "identifier"
2 = "log in:"
Echo "Waiting for response"
[Tymnet Wait]
Goto "Tymnet Match" @waitMatch#
[Tymnet Match1]
if ( sentA = @false ) goto "Tymnet SendA"
goto "Tymnet Wait"
[Tymnet Match2]
Pause 1
USend Host$
Goto "Tymnet Success"
[Tymnet Match0]
Let attempt# = attempt# + 1
if ( sentA = @false ) goto "Tymnet SendA"
if ( attempt# < 5 ) goto "Tymnet Wait"
[Tymnet SendA]
USend/noline "a"
Let sentA = @true
Goto 'Tymnet Wait'
[Tymnet Success]
Echo "TAPCIS Login via U.S. Sprintnet, 1200 bps"
Pause 3
USend ""
Pause 1
USend/noline "D"
Pause 1
USend ""
USend "D1"
Wait "@"
USend "C 202202"
Echo "TAPCIS Login via U.S. Sprintnet, 2400 bps"
Pause 3
USend/noline "@"
Pause 1
USend/noline "D"
Pause 1
USend ""
USend "D1"
Wait "@"
USend "C 202202"
Echo "TAPCIS login via SprintNet International"
Echo "(for 2400/9600/14400bps access only)"
USend/noline "@"
Pause 1
USend/noline "D"
Pause 1
USend ""
Wait "="
Pause 1
USend ""
Wait "@"
Pause 1
USend "C 2020020205"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via SprintNet International, alternate"
Echo "(for 2400/9600/14400bps access only)"
USend/noline "@"
Pause 1
USend/noline "D"
Pause 1
USend ""
Wait "="
Pause 1
USend ""
Wait "@"
Pause 1
USend "C 614 227"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS Login via DataPac"
Pause 3
USend "..."
Wait "PAC:"
Pause 1
USend "P 29400138"
Echo "TAPCIS Login via DataPac (1200bps)"
Pause 3
USend ".."
Wait "PAC:"
Pause 1
USend "P 29400138"
Echo "TAPCIS login via the Swiss TELEPAC Network"
; Based on SWISS.SCR Version 5.41
Pause 1
USend "."
Wait "PAC:"
Pause 1
USend "R 47911303"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS Login via Infonet WorldWide network."
Echo " Do NOT use this script in Europe! "
Echo "In Europe use INFOEURO (save lots of money!)"
Echo "From Infonet 'CSI' locatione use INFOCSI"
Let InfoHost$ = "CPS"
Goto "InfoNet SendCR"
Echo "TAPCIS Login via Infonet Europe network."
Echo " For use within Europe only! "
Echo "From Infonet 'CSI' locatione use INFOCSI"
Echo "From non-CSI locations use INFONET for Infonet Worldwide"
Let InfoHost$ = "CSF"
Goto "InfoNet SendCR"
Echo "TAPCIS Login via Infonet network from CSI Locations"
Echo " Do NOT use this script in Europe! "
Echo "In Europe use INFOEURO (save lots of money!)"
Echo "From non-CSI locations use INFONET for Infonet Worldwide"
Let InfoHost$ = "CSI"
Goto 'InfoNet SendCR'
[InfoNet SendCR]
Let attempt# = attempt# + 1
if ( attempt# = 8 ) goto 'InfoNet Failed'
Pause 1
USend ""
Wait/1 "#"
if ( @waitMatch# = 0 ) goto 'InfoNet SendCR'
Pause 1
USend "C"
Wait ":"
Wait ":"
Pause 1
USend InfoHost$
Goto 'Infonet Complete'
[InfoNet Failed]
Echo 'Failed after ' attempt# ' tries for # prompt'
[InfoNet Complete]
[*Model Scripts*]
The following routines are model scripts which need to be customized,
TAPCIS 6.0 will not use these scripts directly. You can use a model
script to create a custom login script.
To create a custom script, select File|Edit from the TAPCIS6 main menu
and enter the filename for your new script (if you use a custom
Scripts directory, be sure to include it in the filename). Once you're
in the TAPCIS editor, press Ctrl+F9 and enter the filename "LOGIN.TAP"
as the file you want to use for clipping. Locate the [login.SCR]
heading of the model script you want to use, block mark and clip it
into your new file, press F7 to return to edit mode and customize the
script as indicated in model script's comments.
Echo "TAPCIS login script via ChinaPac, the Chinese PDN"
; Based on CHINA.SCR, by Lars-Olof Lindgren
; Your NUI and PASSWORD must be added as below. Contact the PTT.
; Note that Hayes has a "Technical Service Station" in Beijing.
Pause 1
USend/noline "."
Pause 1
USend ""
Wait "pac:"
Pause 1
USend "NUI"
Wait "XXXX"
Pause 1
Wait "tive"
Pause 1
USend "031329999999800"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via Infonet via COLDAPAQ in Colombia"
; Based on COLOMBIA.SCR, by Andre Lernhart
; For use outside Bogotá. Requires a Coldapaq NUI. Contact the PPT.
Pause 2
USend "HH"
Wait "*"
Pause 1
; Send access sequence: replace the xxxxxx with your Coldapaq NUI.
USend "Nxxxxxx-466129300+"
Wait "#"
Pause 1
USend "C"
Wait ":"
Wait ":"
Pause 1
USend "CSI"
Echo "TAPCIS login via EgyptNet, the Egyptian PDN"
; Based on EGYPT.SCR, by Gerald Rosenthal
; Requires an EgyptNet NUI. Contact the PTT; ARENTO (Arab Republic of Egypt
; National Telephone Office) to get an EgypNet account.
Pause 2
Wait "ON :"
Pause 1
; Replace the xxxxxx with your EgyptNet NUI.
USend "Nxxxxxx"
Pause 2
USend "SET19:2"
Pause 1
USend "031329999999800"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via the Honduran PDN Hondutel"
; Based on HONDURAS.SCR, by Gerald Rosenthal
; An NUI and password are needed. Contact the PTT.
; Nxxxxxx is your Hondutel password and yyyyyyy is your NUI.
; The password is repeated ahead of the 03110... NUA for CIS.
Pause 2
USend "H"
Wait "*"
Pause 1
USend "Nxxxxxx-yyyyyyy"
Wait "*"
Pause 1
USend "Nxxxxxx-0311020200202"
Echo "TAPCIS login via GPSS, the PDN in India"
; Based on INDIA.SCR, by Jim Jackson
; Obtain a password (account) from Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd (the local PT&T).
; It can be done in one day, mostly they want a letter stating your intent
; to pay their bill. Billing can be months after the charges are incurred.
; The NUI(yyyyyyyyyyy)31329999999800 is all together:
; NUI+the password in parentheses+the address
Pause 3
USend ""
Wait 3500
Pause 2
USend "NUI(yyyyyyyyyyy)31329999999800"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via ITAPAC, the Italian PDN"
; Based on ITALY.SCR, by Thomas Unger
; Replace "NXXXXXX" with your own NUI. The NUA in the same line
; (02624569002330) is CompuServe in Germany. You may substitute other
; European CIS NUA's you prefer. Some Itapac nodes do not understand MNP5.
Pause 1
USend ""
USend ""
USend ""
Wait "ACP:"
Pause 1
USend "NXXXXXX-02624569002330"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via GULFNET (aka Sprintnet), the Kuwait PDN"
; Based on KUWAIT.SCR, by Kevin Hoover
; Your NUI and PASSWORD must be added as below.
; Note that there is a reverse charging SprintNet node available also,
; no NUI or local account needed. GO RATES; Surcharges, for the rate.
; The script is only for 2400bps, or 9600 if supported.
Pause 10
USend ""
Pause 1
USend "D"
Pause 3
USend ""
Pause 2
USend ""
Pause 2
Wait "@"
USend "202202,NUI,PASSWORD"
Echo "TAPCIS login via Saudi ALWASEET and UAE EMDAN packet data networks"
; Based on ALWASEET.SCR, by Martijn Balhuizen
; Your Alwaseet/Emdan NUI must be added. Contact the PTT.
Pause 3
USend "HH"
Wait "*"
Pause 1
USend "NUI-031329999999800"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via PakNet, the PDN in Pakistan"
; Based on PAKISTAN.SCR, by Qamar Aftab
; An NUI is necessary. Contact the PTT for an account
Pause 3
USend ""
Wait "NUI?"
Pause 1
USend "yourNUI"
Pause 1
USend "nasynchprotoc"
Wait "ADD?"
Pause 1
USend "a9234212303300"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"
Echo "TAPCIS login via TURPAK, the Turkey PDN"
; Based on TURKEY.SCR by Tolga Yurderi
Pause 1
USend/noline "."
Pause 1
USend/noline "."
Pause 1
USend "."
Wait "PAK:"
Pause 1
; Replace the xxxxxx with your Turpak NUI
USend "xxxxxx"
Wait "PAK:"
Pause 1
; Replace the yyyyyy with your password for Turpak
USend "yyyyyy"
Wait PAK:
Pause 1
; Use NUA "031329999999800" for direct access to United States.
; The NUA "0234212303300" is via CompuServe England
USend "0234212303300"
Wait "ame:"
Pause 1
USend "CIS"